Aangezien ik voor de afgelopen 2 edities van Boktor Magazine iets 'literair' heb geschreven en ik deze blog als "website" heb opgegeven ("wat anders?", dacht ik), zal ik hier even posten wat ik voor dat magazine heb geschreven. Koop een magazine.
BOKTOR #1: Robot-K
Het Proces 2013
K. is eindelijk gelukkig. De nieuwe technologieƫn hebben alle processen vergemakkelijkt en tegenwoordig kan hij in geval van arrestatie gewoon via het Internet een oplossing zoeken. Natuurlijk gebeuren zulke accidentele arrestaties tegenwoordig niet meer. Niemand komt nog buiten. Er is geen nood aan. Alles kan op het Internet en op de Computer. De straten van Praag zijn leeg, behalve een enkeling die zijn Computer naar een herstelcentrum brengt, of zijn Internet moet Updaten. Winkelen gebeurt via het Internet. Misdaden gebeuren via het Internet. Verkiezingen gebeuren via het Internet. Operaties gebeuren via het Internet. Seks gebeurt via het Internet. Zelfs een pint gaan pakken gebeurt via het Internet.
K. zit al jarenlang in zijn appartement. Sinds zijn laatste proces en dat ene avontuurtje aan die burcht is er niks meer gebeurd in zijn leven. K. is de laatste van zijn generatie. De laatste die de Wereld Zonder Het Internet nog gekend heeft. De laatste die nog een notitieboek gebruikt. K. gaat zelfs nog naar de analoge WC. Daar denkt hij vaak nog nostalgisch aan terug. “De mensen tegenwoordig kennen het genot niet van uw eigen gat af te vegen!” schrijft hij op zijn Blog. K.’s Blog is zijn uitlaatklep voor all things pre-Internet. Niet dat K. noodzakelijk nostalgisch is, en hij is zeker niet iemand die geloofde dat vroeger alles beter was. Maar sinds het Internet, de Computers en alle soorten Netwerken is alles wel anders.
K. kijkt uit het raam. Dit is natuurlijk geen echt raam. Het is een LCD-Scherm met een Digitale Camera aan de andere kant. Het ziet er vaak beter uit dan de werkelijkheid, dus men is beter af zonder ramen. Men kan de werkelijkheid in High Definition zien. Dat maakt het niet interessanter maar het ziet er wel beter uit. Het ziet er beter uit dan de werkelijkheid. De werkelijkheid is niet meer wat het geweest was.
Bij die gedachte moet K. zuchten. Hij zucht diep. Hij is beter af zonder al die incorrecte processen, al die bureaucratie, dat is zeker, maar iets knaagt nog. Hij heeft het gevoel dat het Internet hem langzaam maar zeker overrompelt. Hem overneemt. Hij voelt het Internet in zijn brein kruipen. Niet via Netwerkkabels, maar via Wi-Fi. Of Bluetooth. Hij is niet helemaal zeker. Maar hij voelt dat zijn zelfstandig denkvermogen afneemt. Hij voelt dat hij in een Digitale Put terechtkomt. Hij voelt de Data rondom zich groter worden. Hij heeft zich nog nooit zo goed gevoeld.
Wanneer K. op een morgen uit onrustige dromen ontwaakt, ontdekt hij dat hij in zijn bed in het Internet was veranderd. Zijn leven is er beter op geworden. Alles is in orde nu.
BOKTOR #2: O.H. Buoy
1. Everything is blue. Not everything is blue. There is a cloud in the sky. There is a cloud in the other sky as well. Everything is blue. There are oranges in the trees, in the skies. There are two people. They are not blue, no, they are rather glee- ful. They had friends who were blue, they have passed ever since. Literally, they have passed, they moved on, they travelled through other regions of assorted colours. It is not cool to be blue. The skies are blue before they start to cry and water down on us. They have sorrow, just like every- body else. Everything else. They mourn. Whatever. People are said to have the blues. They use blue scales and blue tunes to generate blue feelings. Blues feelings. Whatever. There are two people here, none of them are blue, but the rest is. Everything is blue except for these two.
2. One of these is a buoy and the other is a laidy. They are opposed. Physically, they are opposed. Their ideologies and beliefs are unknown and subject to alter. They are posed in opposition of eachother. Their positions are ‘op’ towards eachother. Across, would be another term. They are not mentally cross. They are physically across of the other one. The buoy is on one side and the laidy on the other. They are in direct line of sight of the other. One looks at the other and the same thing happens in the other direction. The sky is blue, their hearts are red, and slightly blue, their faces are of the colours that faces have. If you were to combine the colour of every face of every person in the entire world, that would be the colour of the faces of these two characters. They look like that. Bless them.
3. There is a buoy on the right-hand side, if your right hand is at the buoy’s side, of course. Otherwise the laidy is on your right-hand side. Everything else is on the wrong-hand side. There is a strict distinction in right and wrong, almost as strict as the distinction in right and left. But, it is less binary. Everything is wrong except for these two people. They are on the right. The blue in the sky is fading into the white, the red in their hearts is stabilized. Their minds are working for the weekend. Today it is Tuesday. Their minds have a lot of work to do. It is 6 in the evening. It is 18 in the morning. Today it is both the second day and the third day of the week. The week makes these people feel blue, turn to white, turn right. There is no white. There is no blue. The sky has gone. The buoy asks where the sky has gone and the laidy shrugs and shivers. It gets cold without a sky. A big part on the wrong-hand side is no more and the people on the right-hand side are out of balance.
4. Where is the sky, where is the sun, where is the cloud of all clouds? Where are the people who are left? Where are the right ones? The coastline is now a true line of no more than two dimensions. One dimension for each person on the coastline. The buoy is the first, the laidy the second. There is no certainty about the dimensions. Both intertwine, both overlap and both are mutually exchangeable. The dot is the line is the dot. The first is the second is the first. The coastline looks magnificent. The buoy looks beautiful. The laidy is very handsome. Two people are on the coastline. The sky has gone but their food has arrived. The food is still red. This means the food is still bleu. It is still blue. The food is red like the hearts of the people. It is blue like the forgotten skies. It is lonesome and it is hopeful. The food connects us with each and every dimension still in existence. The food is the unmissing link between what once was, what is and what might be. The food is yummy.
5. The buoy has left. The buoy has returned. The bathroom is missing. It has returned. Where is the bathroom? Where is the buoy? It seems as if the buoy and the bathroom can never be in the same place, at the same time. The buoy goes, the bathroom appears. The buoy comes, the bathroom disappears. Someone is somewhere. Someone is writing a script right now. There are ideas in the air. The air is thin and illegible. Washed out with oxygen and other hard drugs.
The buoy is in, the laidy is in, they eat food, they drink beverages, they are romantic. Not under the big blue sky, not in the moonlight and not in the shade of the sun. Their romance is red, like their hearts. It is pure. It is not like their food, which seems like it is red but it is actually blue. It is important to be red. The laidy disappears. The buoy disappears. The coastline turns 3D. Everything is 3D. The buoy is back, in 3D. The laidy is in 3D. The sky is back. God knows how many dimensions are in the sky.
6. There is no food left. It has gone, not in the tummies of the buoy and laidy, though. No, not in their tum-tums. It has left physically. Its physical presence is no longer. The food has not died, it has lived. It is within the dimensional space where the people are. The people look eachother in eachother’s eye. Right to right, left to left, wrong to wrong. The food has left, the skies are gone, the only red left is in their hearts. The only blue left is also in their hearts. The buoy aches and the laidy aches. There is a recovery. There is no coast left. The people on the coast are no longer on the coast. They are drowning. When the sky is gone, the only way to go is down. The people are going down. These two. Just these two. One buoy. One laidy. No one else. These are the only people in the entire world who are drowning. They have lost the sky, they have lost the blues. They have lost their food, lost the red, lost the bleu.
Eye to eye, body to body, life to death.
7. Without the sky, water has no colour. Devoid of heraldics, the buoy and the laidy are in emotional confusion. Much like everyday life for most people. There is no clue as to how they should feel. The blue has gone, the red has gone. They can solely rely on the colour of their hearts and the direction of their eyes. Red or blue, left or right. Wrong or right. The buoy floats, as is customary for buoys. The laidy hangs on, as is merely convenient in the spaceframe and the timeframe. The hearts are red and blue, the eyes are right and left, their heads are fuzzy. The sky has gone, the food has left, the coast has been cleared. The isle is a figment. There is a buoy floating around. There is a laidy. They are dimensionally entwined. Interdimensionally afraid. Extradimensionally confused. There is no sky, no coast, no food, no hope, no luck. There is love, there are hearts. These are hearts. They are red and they are blue. They are food. The hearts are yummy.
8. There is a punchline somewhere. It is hidden. Everything is gone but there is a punchline somewhere. It is hidden. There is no one left. There are some ones, back in the picture. Some ones, some twos, mostly ones. Mostly only ones. With heraldics hearts and ambiguous lives. There is a punchline somewhere. It is hidden. This should have been funny.
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